Monday, September 13, 2010


I am learning more and more how God answers prayers. My momma use to always say, "Becareful what you ask for, you just might get it."  I prayed for God to help me become more in tune with the gift He has given me, this insight,or intuituition. Boy! was I ever asking for it?!

I am both anxious and excited, He allows me to see clearly, things I was so naive about so long ago I am well aware of now, I see it before it comes and clear it out of my path before it becomes an obstacle. Sometimes it hurts but in the long run it is much healthier. Thank you Father for being my ultimate caretaker!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Unconditional Acceptance

It is unfortunate that in this journey we will have to encounter darkness along the way, but I guess that is what helps us recognize and appreciate the light even more.
Learning to become more aware of our own actions and temperament.
Some dont even see their own darkness blinded too far to reach their light,consumed by this life, in so deep making them ignorant to their arrogance. All we can do is pray for their deliverance and our strength.

Our life is a gift, our outcome of where we end is determined by us and how well we utilize this gift, what we do with it, do we share it's blessing? do we love as we should by being the best we can be for He? (God)

There are those who will not understand our journey, they do not yet understand their own. Some seeds will be planted and take root growing fruitful while others will be washed away or carried off with the wind, but somehow, someway they will eventually land and reseed somewhere at sometime.

My best friends have been my best friends for 13 to 20 years, there is a reason for that!
Never a second guess, we never skip a beat, no matter time nor distance. I love them each dearly for loving me and accepting me...unconditionally.