Monday, October 24, 2011


OCT.24-Nov. 23 the night before Thanksgiving. Donations accepted for NEW SOCKS & SLEEPING BAGS. Delivery will be directly to the HOMELESS in the streets Thanksgiving morning. As many as 3.5 million people experience homelessness in agiven year (1% of the entire U.S. population or 10% of its poor), and about842,000 people in any given week. Familial composition, 40% are families withchildrenâ??the fastest growing segment.55% report having no health insurance, 23% are veterans. 1.37 million (Or 39%) of the total homeless population arechildren under the age of 18.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

You have no idea!

I wonder what it would take, because YOU inspire me...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

She's almost 16...

Unique, Extremely comfortable in her own skin, defiant and witty, quirky, and intelligent.
Sometimes too smart for her own good and plays dumb. Oh yes, she knows how to play.

Alot like me in so many ways, but hardly naive, so informed and intuned to the world surrounding. So open and free it scares me. What am I going to do with her?
 How will I mold her? I am still learning.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spiritual Journey...

I am loving where I am in life, currently evolving, and traveling this new Spiritual journey...

I am waking earlier making the most out of this gift our creator has given me...Inhale, exhale...Life!

Cleansing body with a tall cup of lemon water , rejuvenating, so I may function clearly,
now... move into the mind, clearing, making way for the SOUL to expand and nurture.

2 miles in, breathe, stretch, meditate, listen.

Taking time to connect to where we have come from, remembering... reflecting.

I am at peace. Let the rest of my life begin!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Audience or Performer?

Why do we have problem holding our own selves back, become stuck in our mental, talking ourselves out of proceeding?...the fear of success? or is it the fear of failure?

Where does this fear come from? Afetr all it is just False Evidence Appearing Real. And why do we doubt ourselves?

We see people accomplish goals and achieve dreams all the time so what makes them so much better than us?  in reality, that may not exactly be the case. Others have just finally let go and went for what they know. I believe it's drive and passion for what we really desire, you gotta want it bad enough!

Get out of your head and feel with your heart, You can continue to sit back in the audience or take to the stage and shine? so, WHAT YOU GONNA DO?