Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The spice in my life...

It's very exciting to find the people who are interested in my life, who step in to blend into the bowl of my mixture. I view it as that extra spice, a dash of richness that is appealing to my taste. Stirring, attempting to find just the right recipe to appease all so that you will come dine again and again...
I hope that when you leave from my table you feel satisfied , mind and spirit full.
I take pride in my dishes, I pray that you are fed properly and the word of my "soul food" spreads.
There is plenty to go around, you can have as much as you want... don't forget to share.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So I wonder if I run away from the things I see that bother me, if I just dont look, will they go away?
There are sad and painful situations but oh so evident and the way our society has become, no one speaks up for fear of upsetting any other parties that may be involved. We have closed ourselves into this "None of my business" type mentality in which I do respect,but at what point does it become "your business"?
If you see a loved one destroying their life, addicted to drugs or alcohol do you mind your own business and watch in silence or do you voice your opinion? do you help? or do you let them suffer and "live" their life? and just how long of a life do they live? are they living at all? and who is responsible?
Who is responsible for the children involved? what is the end result?
Sometimes it is not even substance abuse, it may be physical or emotional abuse. Perhaps the parents continually fight and argue in front of the children, or maybe the children are ignored or forgotten.
What kind of damage are we causing? What kind of society are we raising? we complain about the world wanting to see change but remain blind to our own ignorance.
I find myself often just wanting to run away to "mind my own business", I hate the things I see within my own circle, I feel if it's just out of my sight, it will be out of my mind...but how unfeeling and inhuman is that?

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Simpler Things...

Traveling along, I have finally come to the realization that life is what we make of it.  I have decided to take on "The party is at wherever I am at!" attitude and make the most out of everything that comes along.
reflecting back to the stress, I remember that I am truly blessed, things could have always been much worse.

When you think of it, what is the purpose of stressing? If there is nothing you can do about the situation, then there is absolutely nothing you can do about the situation. So let it go!
The lights are off? well then, light a candle!

While we all are trying to seek out the meaning of life, let's remember the simpler things: take time to "stop and smell the roses" literally. , buy yourself flowers, hell! pick some!
How often do you take yourself on a simple date, When was the last time you watched the sun set? or rise? and when you dont have enough money to purchase that bottle of wine, then pour some chilled water in that wine glass and enjoy every little drop.

Listen to children's laughter, no matter how bad things get all they wanna do is play.

There is so much that is so simple that we tend to take for granted, we get so caught up in the financial aspect of things that we often forget what is most important, remembering who we are spiritually is key...thanking God is priceless!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Just When.. thought it was going to get easier. They said that as you grow: you learn and life gets better. I've waited a long time. They said that life begins after forty. I'm still waiting...I want it to begin, I want to LIVE!
And what exactly is "living"? A day in day out job that gives you just enough to remain under control? still hungering? unfulfilled?
Or at some point you really do reach your goals of the All-American Dream, and what exactly is this dream? does it stay a dream? a facade?
Life's challenges make it seem something is missing, it's like a puzzle waiting to be mastered. You have all the pieces but there seems to be some that just aren't right. You know they belong, so you spend endless hours trying to resolve the fit.
Do you give up? or do you defeat the challenge?