Sunday, November 29, 2009


So I wonder if I run away from the things I see that bother me, if I just dont look, will they go away?
There are sad and painful situations but oh so evident and the way our society has become, no one speaks up for fear of upsetting any other parties that may be involved. We have closed ourselves into this "None of my business" type mentality in which I do respect,but at what point does it become "your business"?
If you see a loved one destroying their life, addicted to drugs or alcohol do you mind your own business and watch in silence or do you voice your opinion? do you help? or do you let them suffer and "live" their life? and just how long of a life do they live? are they living at all? and who is responsible?
Who is responsible for the children involved? what is the end result?
Sometimes it is not even substance abuse, it may be physical or emotional abuse. Perhaps the parents continually fight and argue in front of the children, or maybe the children are ignored or forgotten.
What kind of damage are we causing? What kind of society are we raising? we complain about the world wanting to see change but remain blind to our own ignorance.
I find myself often just wanting to run away to "mind my own business", I hate the things I see within my own circle, I feel if it's just out of my sight, it will be out of my mind...but how unfeeling and inhuman is that?

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